Colleges and Schools

Music Minor

The music department offers a music minor option for students who wish to add musical training and knowledge to another major. The music minor below must be completed alongside a full major, and you must earn at least 120 semester hours of credit for graduation from North Park.

Music majors and non-majors alike are invited to audition for and participate in instrumental and vocal ensembles, where you’ll sing and play under the direction of expert musical faculty members.

Music Minor

22 semester hours

  • History courses (6 sh) — MUS 3010, 3020
  • Theory courses (12 sh) — MUS 1080, 1110, 1120, 2130, 2140
  • Performance practica (2 sh) — MUS 0100 (4 semesters, 0 sh),
  • Keyboard Skills (0 sh): Level II Proficiency
  • Ensemble (2 years participation, 0 sh) — Choose from MUS 0700, 0725, 0750, 0800, or 0810
  • Applied music lesson (4 sh) — courses appropriate to instrument/voice



  • Keyboard skills: If you do not pass the proficiency test for keyboard skills, the added semester hours that result from required courses to meet this proficiency will count toward required degree totals for graduation (120 credit hours), but not as music credits.
  • Some music courses are offered only during an odd year or even year. Consult with your School of Music advisor, handbook, and the University catalog to insure proper course selection and availability.
  • You may need to take MUS 1060 prior to taking MUS 1080

This course is designed to offer students opportunities to listen to a variety of concerts and recitals, and to perform as soloists as well. In addition, guest artists conduct master classes on occasion during the Thursday afternoon sessions. Students registered for this course have a set number of requirements to attend General and Class Recitals that occur on Thursday afternoons, evening and weekend concerts, and recitals from the School of Music Concert Calendar. Students also have specific performance requirements associated with the General and Class Recitals.

A select group of wind, rhythm, and percussion players determined by audition. Repertoire includes music for large jazz groups from the big band era to the present. An on-campus concert is presented each term, along with occasional outside performances.

Open to all wind and percussion players, this group is dedicated to the performance of wind ensemble music, both original music and transcriptions. Performances include on-campus concerts each term.

Devoted to the study and preparation of orchestral literature from the Baroque era to the present through regular rehearsal and performance. All instrumentalists are welcome. Principal positions and general seating are determined by audition. Orchestra Rehearsals and Concerts are centered around Education in Human Values (based on five universal core values - truth, love, peace, right conduct and non-violence) and serve as a model for the Certificate in Music for Social Change and Human Values.

A select group of experienced choristers, determined by audition. Emphasis is placed on vocal development and performance, with major appearances annually on and off campus, and with regular national and foreign tours. The University Choir performs a varied repertoire of sacred and secular music. Cross-listed with MUS 5800.

A select group of upper-voice singers determined by audition. Emphasis is placed on vocal development and performance, with major appearances annually on and off campus, and with national and foreign tours periodically. The Upper Voice Chorale (UVC) performs a varied repertoire of sacred and secular music.

Open to all singers, the Gospel Choir performs music that originates in the African American religious experience, including both traditional and contemporary repertoire. The choir performs two concerts a year on campus.

A select ensemble of singers drawn from the larger Gospel Choir by audition. The repertoire features all forms of gospel as well as traditional spirituals. The emphasis is on off-campus performances with a major tour every other year.

This worship ensemble is chosen by audition and supervised by University Ministries and the Worship Arts Coordinator for the campus. Students are expected to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes pertaining to planning and leading music in worship. Roles on the team include team leaders (planning, coordination, song selection), vocalists, instrumentalists, and communications liaison to other worship planning groups. Emphasis will be given to learning diverse worship styles and repertoire will include worship music from various traditions and cultural styles. Students will lead in weekly campus worship services as well as off-campus worship events.

Introduction to the art of music in Western civilization, and its elements, styles, and masterworks from the Middle Ages to the present. Emphasis on repertoire study, listening, and concert attendance. On and/or off-campus concert attendance required. For the non-music major. Cannot be applied toward a major or minor in music.

Introduction to the Music Profession offers Bachelor of Arts or Music students to begin to make connections between their music study, the total academic program, and post-undergraduate activities. It will also provide a setting in which to share perceptions about intended professions; this process will then in turn create a supportive atmosphere to ease the transition from high school and prior artistic settings, to college, and eventually to the workplace. Guests who work in a variety of music fields will be invited to selected classes, and students will be assigned readings that will act as a basis for in-class discussions. Other goals of the course include an intensive focus on the ethical dimensions of the music profession, and an exploration of professional habits that will support success in the future.

For students with little or no piano study. Functional keyboard harmony, scales, transposition, simple score reading, sight-reading, improvisation, and repertoire. For music majors, minors, and concentrations. Placement by piano faculty.

For students with some piano study. Functional keyboard harmony, scales, transposition, simple score reading, sight-reading, improvisation, and repertoire. For music majors, minors, and concentrations.

For students with a minimum of 2-4 years of piano study. Functional keyboard harmony, scales, transposition, score reading, accompaniments, sight-reading, improvisation, repertoire, and skills required for specific majors. For music majors as required by degree track.

For students with a minimum of 3-5 years of piano study. A highly focused and practical approach to the performance of music materials commonly used in music education and worship programs. Areas of study include: advanced score reading using C clefs; transpositions, and keyboard improvisation. For music majors as required by degree track.

An introduction to basic skills and concepts that are foundational to further studies in music. Topics in music theory, aural skills, and keyboard harmony will be taught against the contextual background of a broad overview of stylistic periods in music history.

Sight singing and ear training through an aural approach to music rudiments including recognition, reproduction, and dictation. Includes rhythms, scale degrees, intervals, melodies and harmony in diatonic music of graded difficulty.

Continuation of sight singing and ear training through an aural approach to music rudiments including recognition, reproduction, and dictation. Includes rhythms, scale degrees, intervals, melodies and harmony in a diatonic music of graded difficulty.

An introduction to the El Sistema Philosophy of Music Instruction. The course will include information about the history of El Sistema; current developments in the movement; specific case studies of El Sistema-inspired programs in Venezuela, the United States and other countries; and other pertinent topics related to this philosophy of music instruction. Resources from greater Chicago and YOURS community will be linked to the curriculum of this course.

A study of American popular music from the birth of rock-and-roll in the 1950s to the present. The basic elements of music will also be covered. Individual works are analyzed and placed within their cultural and historical frameworks. Listening and analysis.

An introduction to the cultures and historical developments of major world regions and their global interactions, focusing on the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries, using music as the primary form of cultural analysis. Music will be studied from an ethno-musicological perspective to provide insight into several world cultures and the historical events that shaped them. Listening and analysis will be components of this course.

Introduction to the fundamentals of applied techniques specific to various instruments in the brass family.

Introduction to the fundamentals of applied techniques specific to various instruments in the woodwind family.

Introduction to the fundamentals of applied techniques specific to various instruments in the percussion family.

Introduction to the fundamentals of applied techniques specific to various instruments in the string family.

Sight singing and ear training through an aural approach to more advanced music including recognition, reproduction, and dictation. Includes rhythms, intervals, an introduction of chromaticism in scale patterns, melodies, and harmony.

Sight singing and ear training through an aural approach to advanced music including recognition, reproduction, and dictation. Includes rhythms, intervals in an atonal context, more advanced chromaticism in scale patterns, melodies, harmony, and formal analysis.

Study of basic elements of diatonic music. Topics include triadic harmony, non-chord tones, melodic organization, phrase structure, cadences.

Continuing study of the principles of diatonic music. Topics include elements of melodic structure; pitch and rhythm, embellishing tones, melodic form and composition, and part writing with triads and seventh chords.

An introduction to current software programs and their applications for music education, composition, and production. Music graphics, sequencing and pedagogical software and hardware will be used in this course.

An overview of the sounds of Latin and English and basic rules for pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Previous language study is desirable but not necessary. A supplement to traditional language study focusing on authoritative pronunciation for the unique needs of singers and choral conductors. Includes lecture, written tests, and assignments. This course is a prerequisite for all other diction courses. Cross-listed as MUS 5421.

An overview of the sounds of Spanish and basic rules for pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Previous language study is desirable but not necessary. A supplement to traditional language study focusing on authoritative pronunciation for the unique needs of singers and choral conductors. Includes lecture, written tests, and assignments. Cross-listed as MUS 5422.

An overview of the sounds of Italian and basic rules for pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Previous language study is desirable but not necessary. A supplement to traditional language study focusing on authoritative pronunciation for the unique needs of singers and choral conductors. Includes lecture, written tests, and assignments. Cross-listed as MUS 5423.

An overview of the sounds of German and basic rules for pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Previous language study is desirable but not necessary. A supplement to traditional language study focusing on the authoritative pronunciation for the unique needs of singers and choral conductors. Includes lecture, written tests, and assignments. Cross-listed as MUS 5424.

An overview of the sounds of French and basic rules for pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Previous language study is desirable but not necessary. A supplement to traditional language study focusing on authoritative pronunciation for the unique needs of singers and choral conductors. Includes lecture, written tests, and assignments. Cross-listed with MUS 5425.

An introduction to the basic canon of library resources in music research. Study will include general library resources, bibliographies of composers, music, music literature, and music sources. It will give a broad view of dictionaries, encyclopedias, discographies, dissertations, and Festschriften as well as histories, library catalogs, periodicals, periodical indexes, thematic catalogs, monuments and electronic resources. A key project in the class will be providing an appropriate bibliography for a selected research topic. Cross-listed with MUS 5000.

This survey of the history of western music from the Baroque period through the mid-Romantic period is designed to familiarize students with the genres, musical styles and important personalities of the eras. Through active listening and analysis, students will become familiar with the musical styles of the periods. Structured writing assignments will reflect professional scholarship in the field of music.

This survey of the history of western music from the late Romantic period through the present time is designed to familiarize students with the genres, musical styles and important personalities of the eras. Through active listening and analysis, students will become familiar with the musical styles of the periods. Structured writing assignments will reflect professional scholarship in the field of music.

A survey of the history of jazz. The material will be approached through selected readings, recorded listening examples, classroom discussion, and special projects.

Intermediate applied techniques and pedagogical methods for teaching beginning and intermediate players.

Intermediate applied techniques and pedagogical methods for teaching beginning and intermediate players.

Intermediate applied techniques and pedagogical methods for teaching beginning and intermediate players.

Intermediate applied techniques and pedagogical methods for teaching beginning and intermediate players.

Study of principles of chromaticism in tonal music, including secondary functions, modulation, mode mixture, altered pre-dominants, and other advanced chromatic harmony. Formal analysis, introduction to counterpoint, study of inventions, and fugue. Short composition projects and analysis of 19th century works.

Study of compositional techniques in late 19th and 20th century music. Topics include linear chromaticism, use of synthetic scales and modes, post-tonal techniques in both centric, freely atonal and serial contexts. Introduction to pitch-class set theory. Analysis of major works in each of these areas.

Harmonic studies in jazz and pop idioms. Literature analysis, harmonization of melodies, keyboard realization, and voicing. Projects include small arrangements and original compositions.

Beginning and intermediate conducting skills: beat patterns, baton technique, use of face, eyes, left hand; basic rehearsal planning; score preparation; psychology of conducting. An introduction to choral and instrumental methods and materials.

An advanced study of the conducting concepts covered in MUS 3170. A more in-depth exploration of choral and instrumental methods and materials for the purpose of developing skills in applied musicianship.

Pedagogy: methods and techniques of teaching. Supervised teaching and observation. Literature: study of masterworks from the 18th century through the middle of the 19th century with an emphasis on listening.

An exploration of the current pedagogical practices with regard to PreK and elementary music education. Through the study of various musical philosophies and methodologies, along with the National Standards for Music Education, students will develop and practice appropriate lesson plans and assessment tools for teaching all types of learners the basic elements common to most music curricula. For PreK, study of the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards will be emphasized. A survey of the most widely used pedagogical systems in music education (Orff, Kodaly, and Dalcroze) will also be featured. Other topics include: theories of music learning, testing and measurement, assessment, multicultural resources and their applications, technology in the music classroom, arts integration strategies, and building a defense for arts in education.

Pedagogy: methods and techniques of teaching. Supervised teaching and observation. Literature: study of masterworks from the middle 19th century to present day with an emphasis on listening.

Physiology of the voice and pedagogical methods for teaching singing. Mentored clinical teaching with in-class observation and critique. Tests cover text and lectures. Cross-listed with MUS 5401.

A continuation of MUS 3401: Physiology of the voice and pedagogical methods for teaching singing. Mentored clinical teaching with in-class observation and critique. Tests cover text and lectures. Research paper on a voice related topic, either in the area of voice science or pedagogy. More emphasis on clinical teaching. Cross-listed with MUS 5402.

Philosophies, techniques, methodologies, and administration of secondary school music programs for general music and vocal programs including curriculum, unit/lesson/rehearsal planning, vocal techniques, performance practice, conducting, skill building, and technology integration. Students will examine common challenges associated with secondary choral programs including advocacy, diverse learning populations, and various choral ensembles such as show choir. Relevant materials, resources, and repertoire will be examined to enable students to effectively teach from perspectives that are intentionally multicultural and interdisciplinary, and stylistically diverse.

Philosophies, techniques, methodologies, and administration of secondary school music programs for instrumental music programs including an overview of relevant repertoire, computer technologies, multicultural resources for concert band, orchestra, jazz ensemble, marching band, chamber ensembles, and class guitar.

Art song literature for the solo voice from the late 16th century to the present.

Emphasis is on the development of singing-acting skills through lecture, discussion, and exercises in character interaction using appropriate staging techniques. A scene recital is presented at the conclusion of the course. Scenes may be performed in a foreign language or in English. By audition. Cross-listed with MUS 5450.

For a select group of experienced singers cast through auditions by instructor. The skills developed in scene recital work will be called upon in this intensive preparation for a complete opera production. Chamber and full-length operas will be performed in yearly alternation, and may be performed in a foreign language or in English. Chamber operas will be performed with piano or an instrumental ensemble, and full-length operas will be with orchestra. Cross-listed with MUS 5455.

An introductory arts management course that will approach a broad range of topics related to the nonprofit arts sector. The course will include lectures, discussions, readings, guest speakers, and visits to arts organizations in the region.

Methods and techniques of teaching the beginning years of brass playing. Observation of Chicago area teachers. Supervised teaching.

Study of major solo works and orchestral excerpts from the 17th century to the present with an emphasis on listening and performance practice.

Methods and techniques of teaching the beginning years of woodwind playing. Observation of Chicago area teachers. Supervised teaching.

Study of major solo works and orchestral excerpts from the 17th century to the present with an emphasis on listening and performance practice.

Methods and techniques of teaching the beginning years of guitar playing. Observation of Chicago area teachers. Supervised teaching.

Study of major solo works and orchestral excerpts from the 17th century to the present with an emphasis on listening and performance practice.

A survey of music for the gathered community to sing together in the context of Christian worship. Historical, contemporary, and global resources will be explored, including a survey of Christian hymnody, Taize, contemporary praise and worship, African American gospel, and songs from the world-wide church.

The course will focus on orchestra pedagogy; youth orchestra rehearsal techniques; strategies for building an orchestra program through rehearsal and repertoire choices; rehearsal psychology with a specific emphasis on the unique context of an El Sistema inspired setting (ethnic and cultural diversity, poverty, and others).

A select group of musicians determined by audition. Jazz music of all eras is studied, with an emphasis on individual improvisation. By placement.

Open to qualified performers, this ensemble will explore repertoire for diverse percussion combinations. Emphases will be on musicianship and versatility. Repertoire will be selected based on available instrumentation. By placement.

A variety of small ensembles studying and performing a variety of chamber music literature. The instrumentation for the ensembles may specify brass, classical guitar, percussion, piano, woodwinds, or strings, or a combination thereof, and could also include other instruments or voice. By placement.

The Chamber Singers is a small, select group of singers, that performs music from many and diverse styles and periods. The goal for this ensemble is to function as a group of soloists in the true chamber style, performing music that profits from intimate renderings. Students participate in multiple performances both on and off campus including regular national and foreign tours. Auditions are competitive and based on the needs of the ensemble. Cross-listed with MUS 5890.

Periodic intense investigations of selected topics such as: The Entrepreneurial Musician, Single Composer Survey, Film Music, Performer's Health, Advanced Music Theory, Jazz Improvisational Techniques and others.

Advanced study and/or performance project for selected students. (For specific eligibility requirements, see the Honors heading near the beginning of the School of Music section.)

A study of the ranges, techniques, timbres, and scoring of traditional orchestral instruments. Arranging for small instrumental ensembles is emphasized.

Introduction to the craft of songwriting. Exercises and guided projects aimed at writing and setting original lyrics as well as existing texts. Emphasis on songwriting related to faith expression.

Practical techniques of arranging music for a variety of vocal and instrumental mediums and in a variety of stylistic genres. Focus on arranging for small ensembles found both in school and church contexts.

Introduction to biblical foundations for Christian worship and a survey of the wide spectrum of practices and theology expressed in worship arts, especially music. Visits and observation of Chicago area congregations. The use of aesthetic judgment in evaluating music and art used in worship. The worship leader's role as educator and change agent in the context of a servant leadership model. Students develop evaluative tools to facilitate these goals and articulate a personal philosophy of church music ministry.

Study project as proposed by the student and approved by the faculty

Students have an opportunity to work with a variety of professional organizations, including churches, in fields such as radio, arts management and church choir/music ministry leadership. Please see the internship section of the catalog for requirements and guidelines.

An introduction to the basic canon of library resources in music research. Study will include general library resources, bibliographies of composers, music, music literature, and music sources. It will give a broad view of dictionaries, encyclopedias, discographies, dissertations, and Festschriften as well as histories, library catalogs, periodicals, periodical indexes, thematic catalogs and monuments. A key project in the class will be providing an appropriate bibliography for a selected research topic.

This class will focus on art song repertoire from a variety of historical periods and cultural perspectives. As appropriate for each, it will foster a system of analysis for performance preparation that involves melody, harmony, rhythm, and poetic synthesis. In addition to reading, listening, and in-class lectures, students will be coached in performances in a master class setting.

A wide variety of staged music literature will be explored to illustrate the development of operatic and musical theatre forms. The primary focus of study is to foster a broad knowledge of many operatic and musical theatre works and detailed knowledge of a select few. In addition to reading, listening/watching, and in-class lectures, students will be coached in performances in a master class setting.

A wide variety of choral literature will be studied, from both solo/ensemble singing and conducting perspectives. The primary focus of study is to foster a broad knowledge of many works, especially the genres of Oratorio, Cantata, and Mass from the Baroque through Contemporary periods. In addition to reading, listening, and in-class lectures, students will be coached in performances in a master class setting.

Students registered for this course are required to attend and participate in various performance-related assemblies including, but not limited to, recitals and/or studio classes, specified in each semester's syllabus.

A practical application of music theory and analysis skills aimed at exploring the factors that give unity and coherence to musical masterpieces. The course will survey important analytic methods and techniques and apply them to a designated repertoire, to be determined in part by the performance repertoire of the class, and in part by representation of important works in various musical genres.

Lecture/Performance class emphasizing collaborative techniques, knowledge of performance practice, and analytical skills needed to perform standard keyboard repertory in combination with other instruments from all historical periods. The course offers an opportunity for the application of relevant elements through coached student performances in a master class setting.

Physiology of the voice and pedagogical methods for teaching singing. Mentored clinical teaching with in-class observation and critique. Tests cover text and lectures. Expectations and requirements for graduate students are higher than for undergraduates who may be enrolled in the class, in teaching, and on tests.

A continuation of the work of MUS 5401 Vocal Pedagogy I: Physiology of the voice and pedagogical methods for teaching singing. Mentored clinical teaching with in-class observation and critique. Tests cover text and lectures. Research paper on a voice related topic, either in the area of voice science or pedagogy. More emphasis on clinical teaching. Expectations and requirements for graduate students are higher than for the undergraduates in teaching, on tests, and in research.

An overview of the sounds of Latin and English and foundational rules for pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Previous language study is desirable but not necessary. A supplement to traditional language study focusing on authoritative pronunciation for the unique needs of singers and choral conductors. Includes lecture, written tests, and assignments. This course is a prerequisite for all other diction courses.

An overview of the sounds of Spanish and the basic rules for pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Previous language study is desirable but not necessary. A supplement to traditional language study focusing on authoritative pronunciation for the unique needs of singers and choral conductors. Includes lecture, written tests, and assignments.

An overview of the sounds of Italian and basic rules for pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Previous language study is desirable but not necessary. A supplement to traditional language study focusing on authoritative pronunciation for the unique needs of singers and choral conductors. Includes lecture, written tests, and assignments.

An overview of the sounds of German and basic rules for pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Previous language study is desirable but not necessary. A supplement to traditional language study focusing on authoritative pronunciation for the unique needs of singers and choral conductors. Includes lecture, written tests, and assignments.

An overview of the sounds of French and basic rules for pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Previous language study is desirable but not necessary. A supplement to traditional language study focusing on authoritative pronunciation for the unique needs of singers and choral conductors. Includes lecture, written tests, and assignments.

For experienced singers selected through auditions by the instructor. Emphasis is on the development of singing-acting skills through lecture, discussion, and exercises in character interaction using appropriate staging techniques. A scene recital is presented at the conclusion of the course. Scenes may be performed in a foreign language or in English.

For a select group of experienced singers cast through auditions by the instructor. The skills developed in scene recital work will be called upon in this intensive preparation for a complete opera production. Chamber and full-length operas will be performed in yearly alternation, and may be in a foreign language or in English. Chamber operas will be accompanied by piano or an instrumental ensemble, and full-length operas will be with orchestra.

Graduate choral work builds on the undergraduate experience (see MUS 0800) with a more advanced level of execution expected. Graduate students may be offered leadership roles in the ensemble, as section leaders and/or soloists.

Graduate participation in Chamber Singers assumes a high degree of mastery of vocal skill, musicianship, and professionalism. The goal for this ensemble is to function as a group of soloists in the true chamber style, performing music that profits from more intimate renderings. Students participate in multiple performances both on and off campus. Auditions are competitive and based on the needs of the ensemble.

Independent instruction in music at the Graduate level.

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